iDoceo 4.10.13 available withOnline assessments!

6 years 6 months ago #7504 by bert
Yes, we'll get there Ambush66. We're gathering a lot of feedback from users and this kind of open tasks will be possible.
If you miss anything else do not hesitate to post.
6 years 3 months ago #7628 by mreade
Is there an example of the XLS format to import an XLS file into Connect (Multiple Choice) test?

Thanks in advance

6 years 3 months ago #7629 by bert
Hello Mike,
Find attached below the template you have to fill, it is also available from the option shown in the image

File Attachment:

File Name: assessment...ate.xlsx
File Size:43 KB
6 years 3 months ago #7630 by mreade
Awesome Thanks!!!
6 years 1 month ago #7784 by Stefpeco
Super merci pour le travail!!!

Serait-il possible d'utiliser Connect pour avoir 2 évaluations sur 2 devices différents et permettre à 2 profs de faire une évaluation qui se synchronise sur les 2 devices quand on fait un refresh?

serait-il possible d'insérer une photo dans les cases d'une rubrique à la place du texte?
Cela serait plus facile pour les plus petits.

6 years 1 month ago #7787 by bert
Ce n'est pas possible pour le moment Stefpeco. Je verrai ce qu'on peut faire
5 years 11 months ago #7914 by ajacksonjr52
Replied by ajacksonjr52 on topic iDoceo 4.10.12 ready next week.Online assessments!
1st I love the idea. I was using Ms and Google forms before by my school has blocked google but made it difficult to use MS without the kids having msn email. I like the use of the class pin because i have a lms system but don’t like testing format there.

I teach reading and grammar. Is there a way to create reading passages for my students that can answer the questions or a way to import it on a spreadsheet a reading prompt for a set of questions?

For example: a window open with the reading for those questions so the kid can read and answer.

*I really love the potential of this.
5 years 11 months ago #7917 by bert
Hello ajacksonjr52,
When configuring the assessment you will find the 'Import questions from XLS' that will let you download and upload an XLS template.

Each question has its text/image and allows either multiple-choice or an open answer.
If the same passage has 4 questions, for example, you should copy the original passage on top of each question.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ajacksonjr52