iDoceo 4.10.13 available withOnline assessments!

6 years 9 months ago #7483 by bert
These are the main features and improvements .

Multiple choice tests are now available!
• Unlimited number of questions
• From 2 up to 7 possible answers. More than one valid answer
• Configure it in no time importing an XLS file with questions and answers
• Add an image to your questions
• Answers may be in text or image
• Assign points per question
• Choose whether to randomize questions and/or answers
• iDoceo Connect will soon have an online library of tests to share"

- iDoceo connect changes
• Recently assigned aliases can be kept for future tasks
• Invalid aliases/submissions can now be erased
• iDoceo Connect rubrics may now include student comments

- System improvements
• Rubric edition shows quick conversion, if any.
• Quick editors may now add or replace icons
• Improved seating plan multiple selection for groups
• Resources may now be sorted by name or date

The following user(s) said Thank You: brettm, Blatman
6 years 9 months ago #7494 by jgoddard
Great there any video or documentation how to set up..?
6 years 9 months ago #7495 by bert
Hello jgoddard,
From your gradebook > Add column > iDoceo Connect and you will see how it works right away
The following user(s) said Thank You: jgoddard
6 years 9 months ago #7496 by jgoddard
OK< got it!
This functionality is a huge step forward for the App. Will start to take over some Google form needs. Before I was using Google form, which is nice, but then I would have to transfer the grades manually.

I guess you will be hoping to add more question types as time goes on?

6 years 9 months ago #7497 by jgoddard
Might also be nice to have the excel template download available on this site somewhere, if it's not already...
6 years 9 months ago #7498 by bert
Glad you liked it. We'll be adding more question types in the future. Let us know what you'd need first.

Regarding the template, it is created dynamically with your questions - if any- so that you can edit a preconfigured exam.
We will add the template online once our new docs are ready!

6 years 9 months ago #7499 by jgoddard
Matching is a nice type I use. Google Forms recently started allowing auto-scoring of matching Qs in the last month or so...

Got it on the template...


6 years 9 months ago - 6 years 9 months ago #7500 by jgoddard
Qs that allow audio and/or video would be a nice goal...

Ah, also folders for tests would be handy...
Last edit: 6 years 9 months ago by jgoddard.
6 years 9 months ago #7501 by bert
I'm afraid we can't handle the required bandwidth for audio&video. Noted the folders
6 years 8 months ago - 6 years 8 months ago #7503 by Ambush66

When I first saw idoceo Connect I was exited, because of the possibilities.
And you are now making them come true..

I would like to know though if it will be possible to have an open task, like I mentioned elsewhere.
I am searching for a way to let my students keep track of what they have done ... I then only have to check up on it. But because they can’t finish all their assignments at once I would like the task to be kept open after they have handed in their answers so that they can update their progress next lesson and every time they have been working on it. Will it be in the next update and if not, do you have this planned and if so when do you expect this to be implemented approximately.

But I am really glad with the way you’ re heading.
A job well done, hats off ;-)

Hi Bert

I did some further thinking..

Idoceo Connect:

1: have the option to have open task for students.. so that they can update their progress after handig it in

2: make it so that as a teacher you can update a task, for instance when adding assignments to a list which students have to finish.

3: make the update progress bi-directional.... for instance when my students are working in pairs on a presentation. I want to evaluate this proces by filling in a rubric. It would then be nice if my students can see this rubric at all times so that they know what i am thinking about their collaboration and can adapt by trying harder if needed (in this case they can’t change the rubric themselves so it it is not really a task). And if they are doing so i would like to update this rubric to reflect on their different attitude with a different judgment.

4: online exams are a great idea... but if People start working on them you will soon have lots of exams, good or bad. So you’ll need something to categorize them... grade their value and put them in folders for later use (this folder structure should be connected with your account so that you don’t have to do all the work again if you have to install iDoceo again or something).. I also make use of Lesson Up which is essentially an online databank with lessons made by teachers.. It is great, but also suffers from many rubbish materials.</column>

Last edit: 6 years 8 months ago by bert.