Improved interface
- Easier access to all options
- Menu options can be sorted
- Customize your menu

The pin next to each option lets you add it to the menu

With a long tap, options can be sorted
iDoceo Connect
Prepare assigments for your students and let them submit their work in attached files.
Class icons
You can now add an icon to your classes: Class list > Three dots> Edit or
from the gradebook view : Tools > Class

New resource: YouTube Videos
You can easily add YouTube links as resources.
Tap on add resource in any zone of iDoceo and select YouTube.
Search, view, copy and export as you would with any other resource.

- Improved icon counter.
Takes into account the grade type of the column holding those icons (as in previous versions) but if none applies falls back to the icon counter's grade type. Shows value taken into account next to each icon. - Share gradebook columns with other users by dragging them. Password protected automatically, random and unique, AirDrop is recommended for this method
- Group configuration now depends on each class/li>
- Improved color picker
- Lastname field is now enabled by default
- Improved student name format configuration
- Custom personal fields can now become e-mail recipients if field's name contains the word 'mail'
- Grade conversion's graph is now live, tap on it to preview conversions
- All 'Add resource > File from iCloud' options will let you download multiple files at once. Paste image is available if there is an image to paste
- New 'Full screen' button. The classic double tap with two fingers still works as usual
- Favorite and attendance columns now have a 'Default tab' parameter'. New columns will be added in that tab automatically.
- In the attendance column settings, icon counter can be enabled by default
- In the attendance settings you can activate the icon counter as a summary of the column
- Merges in a single view all notes added to students and classes
- Can be added, edited, copied, erased and may contain unlimited resources.
- Unlimited pages per notepad, dynamic page size (vertical)
- Multiple paper types
- Selection tools, ruler, object or pixel eraser, etc.
- Annotations on seating plan
- Can be easily copied to other plans, exported, imported or shared with other users
- Bulletin board annotations
- There is now a 'Published' section to easily remove classes and tasks
- Rubrics transmission takes quick conversions into account
- New setting to transfer grades as final, instead of draft (under iPad Settings > iDoceo)

Automatic cell editor
iDoceo6 incorporates a new cell editor that automatically adapts to the type of note in each column, it is the recommended editor.
New options in rich text
The new rich text can be used in notes, and also in exam preparation in iDoceo Connect .
New 'Global notes' section

Improved annotations (requires iOS13)