iDoceo 9 is here
Unlimited diary sections
Stunning Content Editor
chatGPT and Dall-E integration
Add them as a resource in the diary or in any other section in iDoceo
New home screen
A quick overview of all your classes. A live summary of attendance, birthdays and due dates
Organize your classes in folders, keep your old ones hidden and focus on what's important
Bulletin boards and notepads
Create independent bulletin boards and notepads not linked to any class or gradebook
The ultimate gradebook
Type your grades, scores, dictate them or even write them with Apple Pencil directly on screen.
Easily add weighted averages, totals, categories and customise the look and feel of your gradebook in no time
Tags, folders
Configure your gradebook with different tabs, tags, categories or a combination of them all
Real AI integration
Enrich your lesson plans
Meaningful Rubrics in seconds
iDoceo Connect assessments
Images worth a thousand words
An assistant to further illustrate scenes, add context or anything you can think of
Planner and diary sections
Customisable sections per session with templates or manual configurations.
Rich content
Clickable links, videos, lists, handwritten notes, headers and all the power of iDoceo's resources embedded in your lessons
Attendance summary
Classroom objects
PDF designer
Easily create PDF and daily reports that stand out.
Configurable sections, clickable links, gradebook graphs, attendance and anything you can think of.
Send your PDF reports to students: all, absent or present so that they are kept up to date on lesson content
Live clickable links to Youtube videos, Wikipedia articles or other internet references
Seating plan layouts
Add desks, chairs, classroom objects and shortcuts that react and move along your students
Draw annotations
Desks and chairs
A wide arrange of desks and chairs to choose from
Assign students to their desk. Drag desks around or share layouts between classes
8x plans per class
Classroom objects
Improved integrations
Google Classroom
And more
These are the main new features in iDoceo 9 but there's more.
If you are an advanced user and would like to know about more specific additions, this advanced section is for you.