In addition to the usual text, icons and colors you can add extensive annotations to a cell. You can also add them to column headers as well.
Long tap on any cell or header > Annotation icon (text bubble) in the menu option, a new screen will be presented allowing you to type your annotation.

Annotations may include any kind of resource: files, images, audio, videos, handwritten notes, URLs, youtube videos, etc.

To remove an annotation, simply delete its text and resources and tap on OK. If it is a header annotation, just delete its contents. You can do this rapidly by tapping the trash icon
How will it look in the gradebook

All cells that have an annotation are marked with a small black triangle on the top right corner. If that cell has additional resources such as images or audio, the triangle will be slightly bigger.
Reviewing and editing annotations
With a single tap you'll be able to review the annotations in any cell or header.
If you tap on the small dialogue bubble, the original annotation window will appear so you can make changes to the annotation and its resources.
If you tap on the small dialogue bubble, the original annotation window will appear so you can make changes to the annotation and its resources.

Annotations from the Seating Plan
You can also add cell or header annotations from the seating plan.
The first step is to select the column where you want to add the annotations, both cell or header.
Tap Column button > Choose the Tab > Select the column you want.
Only when a columns is selected will you be able to add annotations.
Tap Column button > Choose the Tab > Select the column you want.
Only when a columns is selected will you be able to add annotations.

To add a cell annotation, long tap on the student > annotations. You can know a column is selected when you see the cell data on the upper right corner of the student.

For a header annotation, once a column is selected, go to the Column button > Tap on the column > annotations section.

This is how the annotation window will appear for both cases:

Adding annotations with Multiple selection: Annotations by groups
If you would like to give the same annotation to a group of students (Cell annotations), you can do this from the seating plan using the multiple selection option.
You can do it with Groups, already created or new ones you can make here, or by manual selection.
You can do it with Groups, already created or new ones you can make here, or by manual selection.
With Groups:
The first step is selecting the column where you want to add the multiple cell annotations.
After that go to Multiple selection, and if you already have your groups of students created, select Groups > Choose the group you want.
By clicking on the same group again you deselect it.
If you would like to select more than one group, do one click on each of them.
After that go to Multiple selection, and if you already have your groups of students created, select Groups > Choose the group you want.
By clicking on the same group again you deselect it.
If you would like to select more than one group, do one click on each of them.

Once you click on a group, you should see that the students that are part of that group appear selected, blue check on the bottom right corner of their picture box, and the Tools option shows the number of students selected in red at the top.
It is now that you can add the multiple annotations. Click on Tools > Annotations. All the selected students will have the same annotation in their corresponding cell of the selected column.
It is now that you can add the multiple annotations. Click on Tools > Annotations. All the selected students will have the same annotation in their corresponding cell of the selected column.
If you want to create a Group, then click on Multiple selection first and then select the students you wish manually, one tap on their picture box. When you finish click on Tools > Assign Group > Add. You will be able type the name of the group, once you are done hit return.

With Manual selection:
If you do not want to use groups, then you can click on Multiple selection and select manually the students you want, then click on Tools > Annotations.
If you would like to only select one student at a time, that is also possible, just tap on the single student and follow by Tools > Annotations.
To deselect a student or students, click on them.
If you would like to only select one student at a time, that is also possible, just tap on the single student and follow by Tools > Annotations.
To deselect a student or students, click on them.

Other options of Multiple selection allow you to modify cell contents (Edit) or add resources to one or multiple students, just like annotations. Additionally, you also have the seating plan options of Swap, vertical or horizontal alignment and colour for students in the seating plan.
Review cell annotations by students in the seating plan
Do a long tap on a student, with or without a column selected, choose Data and go to the annotations section.