iDoceo 3.5

11 years 6 months ago #3576 by bert
iDoceo 3.5 was created by bert
While our 3.0 is still hot out of the oven, lets comment here what you'd like to see next
The following user(s) said Thank You: Nenuial, CAReynolds, John2400
  • Anonymous
11 years 6 months ago #3589 by Anonymous
Replied by Anonymous on topic iDoceo 3.5
Hi, loving the new planner layout in 3.0. I would really like to be able to see my lesson plans class by class, so I can easily see what I have already covered and to plan a sequence of lessons. I had thought this facility was coming in 3.0 but if it is there I haven't yet sussed it out. If not it would be a great addition next time.
11 years 6 months ago #3590 by Nenuial
Replied by Nenuial on topic iDoceo 3.5
idoceo 3.0 is amazing !! Really a lot of stuff there I was waiting for. Thanks a lot for this great update and the continued effort and amazing support. A really love how you listen to our inputs and always make the best out of it!

A few ideas that I think could make good additions :
- I second Anonymous' request. A "per class view" for the planner would be great. I would also like a "per period" view that takes the whole screen. I tend to write down a lot and now that I have formatting tools I will write even more. So if once I'm done writing down my lesson plan I could visualise that in a way like the day view but where you would go from period to period that would be great.

- The new formatting tools are great, but I am missing lists (numbered and bullet points). I don't know how complex that would be to implement. I can live without it but it might be nice to have.

- The new coefficient calculation is great, but might it be possible to take it one step further and allow it to use fractions (we regularly use half notes and one third notes where I teach) ? I can of course use coeff 6 for full notes, coeff 3 for half notes and coeff 2 for one third notes but it needs some getting used to..

A few bugs I spotted:
A strange behaviour occurs with the formatting: when you select everything and apply a formatting, the selection gets reduced by one character.. It's a bit annoying when you want to apply some colour and then make it bold for example.
The day view shows periods on holiday days that are (correctly) not there in the planner.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Purple-linzi
11 years 6 months ago #3591 by Purple-linzi
Replied by Purple-linzi on topic iDoceo 3.5
So far I love it, slight problem with the face recognition not seeing black students with dark skin. Thanks it's been worth the wait, just need to learn how to use it all.
The following user(s) said Thank You: MissV
  • Duduf
11 years 6 months ago #3613 by Duduf
Replied by Duduf on topic iDoceo 3.5

Je trouve le système de bulletin board très sympa, serait-il possible d'envisager par la suite de prédéfinir une note par défaut avec des écritures, afin de ne pas tout le temps réécrire la même chose si jamais on a besoin de le faire.

11 years 6 months ago #3628 by riverer
Replied by riverer on topic iDoceo 3.5
I'd love to be able to set a different data overlay on each of my 5 seating plans.

Being able to quickly tab between things like students SEN status, target grade and last report grade would be very handy.

The new update is extremely cool, well done!
11 years 5 months ago #3633 by ceebee
Replied by ceebee on topic iDoceo 3.5
My only frustration is that in seating plans I need to print out classes with information about students. The sticky note function is great but I have to overlap the notes as I have nine students in a row. The ability to zoom out further than 0.7 would be much appreciated or simply a bigger seating area.
11 years 5 months ago #3634 by bert
Replied by bert on topic iDoceo 3.5
Thank you everyone for all your feedback. Here a few comments.

@Nenuial @Anonymous

-We'll see what we can do about that view. If you tap&hold on the planner's period you'll go to that specific class, and then the 'Single day' day view in the diary would allow you to add more texts. Noted the request though to avoid all these steps.

- Noted the lists request. We had some limitations regarding the available formatting options because we're still offering support for iPad 1. Lets see if we can move on in the next one.

- Coefficients. Yup, we got that request when it was too late for additions in the development. We'll probably go for half notes, not sure about thirds. We'll see!

- Regarding the bugs, that one character reduction is precisely to avoid a bug i iOS6 . The only temporary solution is to add a space , I know it is far from ideal.

@Purple-linzi There isn't much we can do about that, but noted.
The workaround: If you tap&hold on the photo you'll be able to add and resize your own 'manual selection' of faces along the automatically generated ones. You can drag&drop them too while in this view

@ceebee got it. count on that zoom for the next one

@riverer yes, we're working towards that. there wasn't time left for more in this 3.0

@Duduf content que vous l'aimez Duduf. En attendant, vous avez l'option Dupliquer avec une tap longue, qui va créer une note identique. Puis, double-tap pour l'editer.
11 years 5 months ago #3643 by CAReynolds
Replied by CAReynolds on topic iDoceo 3.5
I'd love to have a way to see a list of all students and the classes they are associated with. I have hundreds of students, and sometimes I need to find one quickly but don't remember what class they are in. It would be great if this list could be sorted by first name, last name, or class.

Also, I'm finding that I'm adding icons to my attendance tab, because that is the easiest ad hoc way to record effort, participation, behavior, etc. without creating tabs or columns. This is because I have less than 5 minutes between classes and need a really quick way to record things that stood out. (As opposed to setting up gradebook columns for each day, which can be cumbersome when there is so little time to set things up for the class coming in tithe door! Though I do use the Gradebook for assessment.). Anyway, I'm using the custom editor to group the icons I use for behavior, effort, participation, etc, but rather than having to hunt through the list, it might be nice to be able to pull up a custom editor from the icon screen when you click on Text/Icons. This would be in addition to seeng all the icons that you have enabled. Kind of like quick access to a folder of icons.

Lastly, is there any way to set a default size for the face detection squares? They are usually quite small and show mostly the lower 3/4 of the face. I would prefer more of the entire head, but this may be out of your control!
  • Pat
11 years 5 months ago #3644 by Pat
Replied by Pat on topic iDoceo 3.5
I would love to see plan, duty, lunch, prep not associated with a specific period. I have up to 11 sections a day being a specialist. Would love to access the other great features that this app provides with the planning and calendar part but cannot at this time as I have too many "periods" - more then 12.

Thanks for all of your help and openess to making this a great app for educators. It is truly life changing!