Monthly attendance with automatic percentages?

4 years 4 months ago #9302 by Axelph
I’m trying to create a monthly attendance sheet with a total average at the end. I want it to work in a way that it can output an average of the days no matter how many columns I used that month. For example: if I taught 10 days that month and one student misses on of his classes, I want it to show 90% in that month, which will be taken into account in the final year average. Can it be done?
The following user(s) said Thank You: Melanie.Is
4 years 4 months ago #9303 by bert
You have to drag and drop this template int your list of classes. Password is 12345

File Attachment:

File Name: 4c7fd0d7-9...e.idoceo
File Size:1 KB

You will see an example like this

The following user(s) said Thank You: Axelph, Melanie.Is
4 years 4 months ago #9304 by bert
For this to work on your classes, you have to edit the default attendance settings (Add column > Gear icon next to 'Add attendance') and select the 'Attendance grade type' as the default grade type.

If you have added already some attendance columns, you should assign this 'Attendance grade type' in bulk with a tap on Tools (top bar) > Columns > Select your attendance columns > Edit > Grade type and assign the 'Attendance grade type'

This 'Attendance grade type' comes with the template I just prepared for you.
It basically takes a green check as 1 and a red cross and hourglass as 0. If you are using other icons or would like to assign different values (i.e. a 0.5 for the hourglass delay) you can edit it on Menu > Grade types > 'Attendance grade type' > Icons
The following user(s) said Thank You: Axelph, DennisGoedbloed
4 years 4 months ago #9326 by DennisGoedbloed
Replied by DennisGoedbloed on topic Monthly attendance with automatic percentages?
Hi Bert,

I am trying to replicate this structure/calculation but I don't get there.
Is there an example somewhere that shows how to set this up?
Our 4th, 5th and 6th years (half the school) need to be get least 80% attendance in order to have their results count/eligable. If they do not meet 80% they will not pass to the next year. So this construction would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance!

Nowadays we know the price of everything and the value of nothing - Charles Dickinson
4 years 4 months ago #9329 by Axelph
Thank you so much Bert, it worked just the way I envisioned. This new school year will be a breeze!
4 years 4 months ago #9330 by ClaireDeg
Replied by ClaireDeg on topic Monthly attendance with automatic percentages?
Bonsoir Bert,

Je suis particulièrement intéressée par cette solution, mais j’ai quelques problèmes à reproduire tout ce que tu as expliqué.
Pourrais tu nous faire une/des capture/s des options que tu as mises en place dans ton exemple et que tu nous conseilles s’il te plaît ?

Merci de ton aide,
4 years 4 months ago #9331 by bert
Bonjour Claire,
Si vous installez le modèle ci-joint, vous verrez tous les détails dans votre carnet de notes. Faites-le glisser et déposez-le dans votre liste de classes.
Si vous êtes coincé dans une configuration particulière, faites-le moi savoir
4 years 4 months ago - 4 years 4 months ago #9333 by ClaireDeg
Replied by ClaireDeg on topic Monthly attendance with automatic percentages?
Bonjour Bert, merci !

J’ai installé le fichier mais visiblement, quelque chose ne fonctionne pas : voir les captures.
Qu’ai-je mal fait ?
Qu’est-ce que je n’ai pas compris ?

Merci !

Last edit: 4 years 4 months ago by ClaireDeg.
4 years 4 months ago #9334 by bert
Vérifiez vos Options (icône d'engrenage)> Icônes de cellules vides. Supprimer la croix rouge de la liste
4 years 4 months ago #9335 by ClaireDeg
Replied by ClaireDeg on topic Monthly attendance with automatic percentages?
Merci bcp Bert, Compris !

Donc, si j’enlève La Croix rouge dans les « cellules Vides », ça comptabilise les absences dans ce tableau mais je dois remettre La Croix rouge dans les autres calculs habituels, (les moyennes de l’élève qui a été absent sur un travail par exemple) c’est bien ça ?