What's new in iDoceo 2.5

These are the main features of iDoceo 2.5 but there is a more recent version of iDoceo available already!

Gradebook improvements

- Add icons to students and headers
- More than 100 new icons to choose from
- Enable/Disable and add a descriptive text to icons
- Summary column feature : the same column will be available in different tabs at once
- Despite of the selected editor for any given column, Text/Icons is always available on tap&hold
- Header height can now be changed
- Headers are drawn vertically if height larger than width
- New column manager: Move/Copy/Edit/Erase/Send by e-mail several columns at once (under tools icon)
- New student manager: Move/Copy/Erase/Sort/Send by e-mail to several students at once (under tools icon)
- New resource manager: View all resources related to a class / Add class resources / e-mail / erase / show in gallery (under tools icon)
- Configurable new column settings
- Add an average line below selected columns (enable it in each column's grade type configuration)
- Assign colors automatically to numeric grades (from grade configuration)
- New editor: Numeric keypad
- Improved editor: Color picker, new palette and last selected colors
- New quick editor: Quick counter
- New custom quick editors (3) : Choose your icons and assign them in a quick editor
- New editor: YES/NO (nothing fancy here, but may be useful)
- Almost all editors have access to annotations and icons with a single tap
- Show students birthday if today


- (any kind of)Files can now be stored in a class,header,student,cell or in the diary
- Will be sent by e-mail if required
- Video can now be recorded too
- Add URLs
- All student resources are available from each student personal data screen
- New dropbox navigator (allows to navigate below Apps/iDoceo level)


- Annotations accept now Video,Audio,Photos,URLs and any kind of file from Dropbox (stored inside Apps/iDoceo or in folders below)
- Files can be locally stored or kept as an URL link to save space
- The small annotation preview at the bottom adapts its size to its text and will show its resources
- All annotations (and its resources) for a student are available from each student personal data screen (Annotations tab then annotations icon)


- Gallery is now able to preview Videos and Word,Excel,Powerpoint,PDF,Pages,Keynote,images and many other file formats (in full screen mode if required)
- Once you close the gallery, you'll return to your original position

Student Personal Data screen

- Show/Hide any system parameter
- Add resources
- View all annotations and its related resources
- Show a student's age


- PDF Report (Expert and non-Expert) will add new pages automatically
- Faster PDF report configuration
- CSV report can include annotations and personal data
- Improved XLS report (now compatible with Numbers)


- Configurable attendance icons , with an additional concept and a second optional icon
- Configurable default grade for attendance columns

Seating plan

- Store up to 5 seating plans per class
- Add new columns and edit grade book data directly
- Photo frame color can now be changed for any student (OFSTED)
- Three different views: Photo only / Photo +name / Student sheet , able to display up to 5 gradebook fields (OFSTED)
- New roulette picker mode (disabled by default, enable it from the gear icon)
- Randomize plan and group by 1 , 2 or 3
- Change each plan's background with system images or your own (scaled and non-scaled)

Chalkboard screen

- Change your classes order
- Student search and filter


- Show now function
- Improved edition
- Choose the time slots to appear on screen and assign a color


- Single day view
- Month view
- All classes annotations (and its resources) are available/editable from single day view
- Select iCal calendars to be shown in the diary
- Add/Edit/Erase iCal events
- Text search
- Improved today/date picker

System improvements

- iCloud backup
- WebDAV backup
- Import XLS files
- Small in-app help with links to this web