Support addition,Percentage and average calculations with custom weights and points
Editor: Import full rubrics from CSV/XLS file
Editor: Import full rubrics from web (Rubistar) or any other by copy/pasting (short video here)
Expand/Collapse rubrics details in gradebook with a tap on the header icon.
Editor: Can rearrange and erase full rows&columns
Add/edit annotations with files and other resources for each student
Add/edit rubrics from the seating plan view
Can be exported to PDF, XLS and shared with other users (short video here)
Gradebook categories
Gradebook categories (a.k.a column folders or divided columns) will let you mix an unlimited number of columns under a single header and apply a calculation
Supported calculations: average (weighted and arithmetic), highest, lowest value, sum, formula and icon counter
Can be collapsed/expanded from the gradebook. Similar to rubrics.
Calculation is updated automatically whenever a new column is added/removed (except for formulas)
Can be shown in reports, linked to other tabs and included in other calculations and formulas
Column properties: New Quick conversion for generic grades. Easily convert anything to a 100% or other types without additional grades
System > Quick conversion setting: Add your quick conversion options.
Column editor can now be changed on the fly while editing a cell (three dots button). Choose between Text,Text+Icons,Numeric keypad and grade selector
New column option ‘Voice over’: Will read the column’s contents out loud. Different timing settings
New column option ‘Cell annotations’: will show all annotations and resources attached to students on a particular column
New column option Copy/Paste clipboard. Will let you copy/paste a whole column from and to Excel,Numbers or other apps.
Students roster header options: Lock/Unlock all columns
iconDrop: Will let you drop the same icon more than once
textDrop: When adding annotations appends text instead of replacing it.
System > gradebook: To add columns to the left (added to the right by default now)
Rubric rows can be accessed individually
New function: DROPAVERAGE . Drops lowest N values before calculating an average. Skips empty cells
New function: COUNTIF. Similar to that of Excel. Counts the occasions a condition is met with a number of columns
New function: COUNTICONS. Will let you count a combination of icons in a selection of columns
New function: COLUMNSCORE returns max score configured in the column’s grade type
New function: ROUND to nearest integer
New function: MODULO returns remainder of a division
New operator ≈ (approximately equal)
Spinning wheel
Available from gradebook and seating plan
Works with students or custom lists of prizes with icons and sounds.
Soundboard to invoke sound effects at will.
Option to remove picked student
System improvements
Additional batch of 100 icons: Showers, Clothing, OSs, medals...
Additional 25 theme backgrounds
Settings > Image&Video : new option ‘Migrate photos from camera roll into iDoceo’. Shown when storing images locally. Photos&Video can be safely erased afterwards from camera roll
Grade types list allows folders and manual sort order
Grade types list new ‘Share’ option. Will let you share any combination of grade types, folders and rubrics with other iDoceo users
e-mail: CC,BCC settings and additional recipients
'Touches' are shown when Airplaying your iPad screen
Diary / Planner / Calendar / Timeline
Up to 3 icons per period
Schedule/Planner/Calendar new ‘Day description’ field shown on header (especially meant for complex cycles)
Timeline view: New layout option to ’Show all text’ planned on each period
Planner: Improved report. Uses different period heights and appropriate font size to fit as much text as possible
Diary options: Layout, hide other periods permanently
Page break option in diary report. When enabled, each date&period will begin on a new page
Text notes improvements
Can now add notes to a particular student (shown in student's personal sheet as well)
Filter by a selection of students or none at all. Taken into account in reports as well
Can be sent by e-mail
Can be assigned to multiple students at once. It will create a copy for each student once saved.
New ‘add multiple photos’ option
More intuitive ‘rename’ and file ‘details’ options
Audio files are now recorded as M4A instead of CAF.
MP3,WAV,M4A and any other audio files are played without opening the gallery
Improved audio player with pause and scroll
Improved management of PAGES,KEYNOTE, AND NUMBERS documents downloaded from iCloud Drive
Random picker
Spoken names
Seating plan: Long tap on a student to exclude from the random picker. Taken into account in gradebook and random picker widget as well
New widget 'Gradebook stats' (x6) will let you select a combination of columns and students
Summary widget ‘Recent resources’ can now erase,export and rename resources
to compare
Student and e-mail report
Student report: New sort columns option and higher resolution resources