Add your own fields in the student's sheet

This is a system wide configuration. The new fields you add or erase with these options will affect all students in iDoceo

To configure your own fields, double tap first on any student in your grade book

You'll be presented with this screen

app store gradebook

Tap on the Three dots button on lower right corner

This will let you add or remove your own personal fields grouped by a section. In our example, we will add two phone numbers (i.e. Phone 1 and Phone 2) and we will name our section Emergency.

app store gradebook


app store gradebook


app store gradebook

And the resulting screen ,with our new fields will look like this


app store gradebook

Show a selection of personal fields in the gradebook view

From the gradebook view, Options button (top right corner) and you will be able to show your own fields.
If there are many, you should increase the row's height in this very same view.