In the student report you will be able to:
- Include the photo and a selection of each student's personal details
- Include a selection of columns from any tab. Text and icons
- Include the class' average
- Include text annotations and thumbnails of resources (i.e. images,notes)
- Include a legend of icons
- Include attendance stats

Creating a report of all students
From the grade book view > Export > Student report
Creating a report for a single student
Double tap on a student > Summary > Export

Creating a report of a selection of students
Before exporting the report, apply the students filter explained here. The report will only be created for those students that are shown in the grade book.
Creating and sending the report
This will create a personalised report for each student and will send it by e-mail
Open in
This will create a single PDF file with all your students in it
ZIP file
This will create a ZIP file with all the individual PDFs in it
Options of the student report

The three main blocks: Personal Data, Gradebook and attendance will let you select the kind of data you need in the report.

Related articles
The report generator
Exporting your data
Export attendance data in PDF, CSV or XLS