Use with Progress Book

12 years 4 months ago #507 by Geo125
Use with Progress Book was created by Geo125
Has anyone used this in conjunction with Progress Book? Our district uses that and parents need to be able to see regular updates. It is dependent on an Internet connection though. I like that this program is not. Do grades from this easily export to PB as it is not a traditional spreadsheet?
12 years 4 months ago #509 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Re: Use with Progress Book
Hi Geo125,
I'm not familiar wit Progress Book, Maybe some of our users can give you more information about it.
We basically depend on the available options in Progress Book to import data, our standard formats are CSV and XLS , but we're always to open to add new formats and integration features.
We where recently asked for integration with Edmodo, they are working on some integration tools to be able to update their info from third party apps such as ours, I'm not sure if Progress Book has those tools (didn't see it in their web!)
Thanks for contacting us