Saving entire Gradebook for administrator?

10 years 6 months ago #4570 by JDonahoo
I need to save my entire iDoceo Gradebook for this school year as a PDF so that I can submit it to my administrator on a disk. I know that I can create reports for classes individually, but is there a way to create a report for the entire Gradebook all at once?
10 years 6 months ago #4571 by bert
Hello JDonahoo,
I'm afraid that isn't possible yet but I've just added your request in case someone else finds it useful.

iDoceo 3.1 will soon be available in the store (in about 2 weeks) and you'll be able to create a single XLS per class with all your tabs and annotations with a single click. I'm not sure if that will work for you since I guess that PDF format is mandatory. We'll keep that in mind.
