idoceo connect and Google Classroom -- only one Google Account?

3 years 8 months ago #9736 by pauhana658
I teach at four universities, each of which has a separate Google GSuite account, which means I have four google accounts. I would love to be able to use iDoceo Connect with all of my unis, but iDoceo only lets me connect to one Google account.

Perhaps a future version of iDoceo Connect will allow teachers to use multiple Google accounts?
3 years 8 months ago #9737 by bert
Hi there,
The Google account will 'identify' you in iDoceo Connect.
You can still use a single account and publish to all your students in those different universities without having to change your account.
3 years 7 months ago #9751 by pauhana658
So one account to rule them all? If I use my private Google account in idoceo, I'll be able to access all of my Google Classroom classes regardless of the Google account used for Classroom? If that is the case, then problem solved! Thanks!