keyboard shortcuts

5 years 11 months ago #7570 by tomek
keyboard shortcuts was created by tomek
Hello at iDoceo,

I love your app, it's really great. Do you think about adding some more keyboard shortcuts to iDoceo. Working with an external keyboard I'm missing this featue. I can imagine, this could be a real time saver for many users.

best regards from Frankfurt, Germany

I'm a teacher of maths and physics at a german high school.
5 years 11 months ago - 5 years 11 months ago #7571 by bert
Replied by bert on topic keyboard shortcuts
Sure Tomek, let us know which kind of shortcuts you’re missing and we’ll work on it
Last edit: 5 years 11 months ago by bert.
5 years 11 months ago #7574 by tomek
Replied by tomek on topic keyboard shortcuts
Hi Bert,

Quickly speaking it could be nice to have the possibility working in Diary to jump to the next lesson, open the highlighted lesson, use all options in the editor like copy, lock (important in my workflow), bump, bump back, to set an icon (some keys and a number key for example). I can close the lesson already with the cmd enter shortcut.

In the main view it could be nice to have the option to jump over the mein menus like Classes, Schedule, Planner, Day... choose the class, change the week, jumpt to today.

Those few features would change already my workflow a lot.
Thank you for the quick response.

I'm a teacher of maths and physics at a german high school.
3 years 11 months ago #8887 by Axelph
Replied by Axelph on topic keyboard shortcuts
It'll be nice to have shortcuts to move from column to column (left and right) , folder to folder (left and right also) Moving from tabs, too.
3 years 11 months ago #8888 by bert
Replied by bert on topic keyboard shortcuts
Hello Axelph,
The cursor arrows will let you move between columns and cells already
2 years 11 months ago - 2 years 10 months ago #9905 by Sebastian
Replied by Sebastian on topic keyboard shortcuts
I have the following keyboard shortcuts suggestions:

CMD+X for deleting an entry
CMD++ for creating a new column
CMD+C for copying a column
CMD+ F for finding/filtering for a student (very helpful if you quickly want to type in sth for a specific student)
using the shift key to select more than one column or student
using the ESC key to "finish" when doing quick entries.

Probiert gerne meine kleine Korrektur-App "KURT" fürs iPad und den Mac aus. Sie hilft beim Erstellen individueller PDF-Rückmeldebögen und hat viele praktische Funktionen für den Korrekturprozess. Sie ist komplett kostenlos für Mac & iPad :) (jetzt in V. 4.3)
Last edit: 2 years 10 months ago by Sebastian.