Integration with MDM or Apple School Manager?

8 years 2 weeks ago #6617 by jsmithbps
Would it be possible for iDoceo to pull in class and student info from the MDM or ASM in the same way that Apple Classroom does? not sure whether they make the API's available but if they do it'd make deployment very easy.


8 years 2 weeks ago #6618 by bert
Hi James,
As far as I know there is no public API available for us.

However, you can easily import XLS or CSV files into iDoceo once and then share iDoceo templates (including students or gradebook configurations ) with other users.

To import an XLS file, 'Open in' iDoceo from any app/cloud provider holding that data and select the import wizard.

To create a template for other iDoceo users: long tap on a class > Share
To import that template: 'Open in' iDoceo from any app/cloud provider.