Adjustable cel-colors based on the value in cel

8 years 5 months ago #6500 by Max2118

I don't know if its possible allready, but i couldn't find it.

I have a column with a icon counter. I would like that the cell in that column gets a different color when it exceeds an variable number.

For example:

There is a column with an icon-counter for the icon homework. If a student forgets his homework more then 3 times the cell must turn red.

Student 1: 2 icons
student 2: 1 icon
student 3: 4 icons
student 4: 3 icons

The cells of student 1,2 and 4 must be blank. The cell of student 3 must be filled red.
But only the cell of the icon-counter "homework". The rest of the student row should be blank.

Is this possible of is it possible to make in the next update?


Max Hendriks
8 years 5 months ago #6501 by bert
Hi Max,
It can be done already.
Tap on this template below, 'Open in' iDoceo and then double tap on your icon counter header > Grade type > 'Red color over >=4'

If you're interested in the details of this. It is explained here


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