idoceo in dogschool

9 years 2 months ago #6077 by Rala
idoceo in dogschool was created by Rala
my name is Claudia and I own a dog school in Germany. We love this tool and we work with it for over one year now. I think it is a great tool for other dogschools either. So, we recommend idoceo to all our colleagues. It is easy to work with and has many nice features. But...

There are some things that would it make it easier for us to work with it. Here are some ideas/wishes to make work more efficient:

It would be great to have all students in one overview. I can search for single students and I see, in which classes their are, but I can not get an overview. Like all students from one school in one pool and from there you can copy them to various classes. Or you can send email to all students who are listed in idoceo. Last year I was asking for the possibility to see the attendence from one student in all classes, that would be great, too.

It would be awesome if it would be possible to share the datas between the trainers. At the moment we work with backup. So I make a backup, my co-trainer has to catch and update her own idoceo. This is sometimes difficult, if one forgets to backup we have to put some time in getting all the information.

It would be very helpful if we could import csv files with student data or to have an interface with our customer database

The idea to have an app for Mac sounds great.

That`s all for today. If something should be done already, I would appriciate a tipp :-) I searched the forum, but I did not find anything. We would be willing to pay more for a customized version.

Have a great day!

Best wishes
