Better Lessonplanner / File functionality

9 years 8 months ago - 9 years 8 months ago #5532 by Ambush66

First the app is great.

Second, I haven't used it to its full potential yet because of several reasons like mandatory schoolsoftware and double administration because of that. But I am planning to focus on this app for the next scholar.

The timeline function is great.
I can put in all the sources I want to use for my lesson.

But I would prefer it if I can just prepare my lesson using the app and add in pictures, video, tables etc inside the app right into the timeline or specific scheduled lesson without the need to prepare my lesson in word or any other program first and then copy the file or a link to idoceo.

I have tried to use Idoceo as a lesson planner, putting in all the files I want to use.. but found it a bit confusing how all the files are ordered. I would prefer it if I could order them in folders.. now if I have three classes with the same subject, needing the same files I end up with three copies of the file I use. Can't I just have 1 masterfile in a folder inside idoceo linked to every lesson?

Furthermore, when adding in pictures, video or other files I can't change the order they are in. So if during my lesson I want to use certain files, then I have to put them into idoceo in the right order from the start because I can't rearrange them. And the files are still locked to the paperclip.

I would like it if I can make a layout like with a text editor and put in thumbnails or pictures from the file right in the text. Also it would be great if you can then blow up the timeline part into full view when you are making it available for the class through a beamer.

It would be great if idoceo can be used to design your lessons as well

Last edit: 9 years 8 months ago by Ambush66.
9 years 8 months ago #5533 by bert
Thanks Ambush66, I've just upvoted your requests for the next update. Some of them were already in our to-dos

If you miss anything else, drop us a line

7 years 9 months ago #6856 by Rod
Hi Bert have you refined the folder structure to reduce the duplication of files in idoceo?