Custom editor text lists

11 years 3 months ago #4061 by CAReynolds
Custom editor text lists was created by CAReynolds
I would love to see an option for the custom editor that lets you create a text list for grading. For instance, as a music teacher, I might want to have a custom editor for grading/noting recorder skills, ie, "good tone", "blows too hard"' "wrong hand", "incorrect posture"', "missing articulation", etc. I don't have time to type this info for each child, as my assessments need to be done on the fly. It would be great if you could create unlimited lists, as I would use a different one for noting classroom behaviors, etc. (I am using icons currently for classroom behavior, and some of my assessments, such as pitch matching) but I'm running out of icons that are meaningful!)
11 years 3 months ago #4071 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Custom editor text lists
You can do this already, I'm sure it will work for you.
Here the steps:
- From the main screen , tap on Grade Types , Add / Text based grade
- Add here all the texts you'd like to work with, assign an arbitrary percent.
The higher percent will be shown first in the list

Now, to work with these texts, choose it in 'Grade type' for a given column, and use the 'Grade selector' as its editor.

Here an image of how it would look like.

11 years 3 months ago #4072 by CAReynolds
Replied by CAReynolds on topic Custom editor text lists
:cheer: wow! Thanks so much, that will work. But here's a related request... Is there/could there be a way to have a multiple check list, So you could use more than one? For instance, they are holding the recorder wrong and blowing too hard.
11 years 3 months ago #4073 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Custom editor text lists
I didn't see that one coming!
I'll keep it in mind . We'll try to add a new editor with those check boxes in our next update.