Hide student

12 years 1 week ago #2572 by jlux
Hide student was created by jlux
We have a lot of students that move in and out of our school. It would be amazing to have a feature that allowed us to hide students from the list instead of just erase them so that we don't lose their data.

Or maybe there is already a way to do this?
12 years 1 week ago #2573 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Hide student
Hi jlux,
We'll 'kind of' have that option in a near future update.
Here is the plan...
Usually tabs are created for each term (or some similar time frame) so we thought that we could add an embedded student filter for each tab, where you chose which students where to be shown or hidden.
This will be a bit more flexible than a 'class wide' filter because it will allow to review 'old' tabs where this student was present without having to show/hide it manually, simply tapping on a tab would apply the configured student selection...
Hope this will somehow solve what you need! Let me know if we missed something...

12 years 1 week ago #2586 by jlux
Replied by jlux on topic Hide student
I hope so, I will try it when it is released. I think the tricky part is that I have 450 students and 20 classes that I see on a 3-4 day rotation. I see each class for 55 minutes so when a student moves, it would be awesome to beable to just hide them from a class instead of delete them incase they move back in. It is happening more frequently as our clientile changes. In fact, just today we had a student return after moving for two months...and I had deleted her so that when I was grading I didn't have empty spots in the column, so now (to my own fault) I have lost her previous data.

Thanks again for this amazing app!!! It is transforming my classroom and making managing behaviors, contacts, and my world so much better and easier to track!! THANK YOU!