Quick bug fixes, Italian localization, import data (done)

13 years 3 weeks ago #21 by Vitth
Hi, from Italy.

I purchased your product because I think it's simple and easy to use. Unfortunately I met few bugs: lot of crashes during and after photos management/placement; furthermore the app doesn't remember my default choises "compressed mode" ON and "Automatically edit next line" ON). Please fix it asap.

I'd like language localization (If you like a could help you for italian translation).

How about to improve capabilities on importing data from .xls files format ?

TIA, Vittorio
13 years 3 weeks ago - 13 years 3 weeks ago #26 by bert
Hi Vitth,
Yes, it does not remember those settings, I'll solve that on the next release.

About the language localization , thanks for your help! but I'm afraid I can't do it at the moment (it is planned though), It requires some serious team effort and the amount of languages is overwhelming.

The absolute priorities are to have the app working flawlessly and with all the bells and whistles ready and then focus on localization.

I know it is no consolation but my second language is Spanish and I didn't translate it either...

When we localize it you'll have your Italian and I'll have my Spanish version!

About the XLS direct import is highly improbable, the specs on XLS format are about 1500 pages long (last time I checked) and formats vary from 1995 to 2011 versions. I'll check if some CSV import is feasible (you'd then export XLS to CSV and then import it into iDoceo)

Last edit: 13 years 3 weeks ago by bert.
13 years 3 weeks ago - 13 years 3 weeks ago #27 by bert
Would you mind telling me how does your photo management/placement crash? Some steps I can repeat to reproduce it? Which iOS version are you working with?
Last edit: 13 years 3 weeks ago by bert.
13 years 3 weeks ago - 13 years 3 weeks ago #29 by bert
Nevermind, I think I got it. I expect it to be solved on next release.
Thank you for that positive review on the store, it really helps a lot to keep the app going!
Last edit: 13 years 3 weeks ago by bert.