Adding a symbol for comes with required equipment?

  • Antodema
11 years 10 months ago #1239 by Antodema
I couldn't work out how to do it. But one of the things I need to report on is organization. If the student comes to class prepared with the correct materials/books ect.
Is there a way to add it to the attendance check/quick attendance check so that I can quickly record this information at the beginning of class. It would be easier than having to annotate it each lesson or adding a separate tab/column to track this.
11 years 10 months ago #1243 by bert
Hi Antodema,
It isn't possible at the moment (other than changing the editor to Text+Icons and afterwards back to Attendance...)
Some users have asked for this already, we'll prepare an improved set of icons and there will be a configuration to enable them in the attendance check together with the current icons.
Thanks for contacting us!