Seating Plan Improvements

7 years 10 months ago #6836 by KOAS
Seating Plan Improvements was created by KOAS

I used to create my own seating plans in PPT by creating shapes for the tables and then putting textbooks within them with student first names. This made it very easy to quickly refer to in a lesson. I'm trying to use iDoceo but the seating plan functionality is not quite what I'm looking for.

Could you:
- allow teachers to add boxes into a template which refers to the table layout of a classroom, then use this as the background for a seating plan
- allow teachers to lock students into the 'seat' related to the table. i.e. if you drag a student bubble it just drops into the middle of the table location so that you don't have to try and align it. This would make creating the layout quicker and neater. Or you could tap on the 'seat' and select the student from a drop down list which would remove each student from the list as you choose them
- allow teachers to only display the first name of students (and nothing else - not even photo) so that it's much easier to glance and read.

Below is what the grid would look like (without names).

This would be a much appreciate feature addition!
7 years 10 months ago #6838 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Seating Plan Improvements
Noted KOAS, we have similar features in our roadmap.
If you miss anything else drop us a line
5 years 1 week ago #8491 by Johnston
Replied by Johnston on topic Seating Plan Improvements
This feature would be a great addition. While the standard templates available in V6 just released are good, every teacher sets up their classroom differently. To be able to set up a fixed seat template and be able to snap the student's icon onto the seat location would be a huge leap for this section of iDoceo. Especially if it can be re-used across classes and in different seating plans for the same class.
Keep up the good work Bert, its a fantastic app.
4 years 10 months ago #8561 by Handmax68
Replied by Handmax68 on topic Seating Plan Improvements
Bonjour Bert,
je découvre de plus en plus cette fonction Plan et j’en vois de plus en plus d’utilisations géniales.
Mais j’ai un problème car je veux mettre des fonds différents et si j’importe une photo j’ai du mal à trouver la bonne taille d’image pour qu’elle remplisse correctement le fond du plan.
Merci pour votre aide.
4 years 10 months ago #8562 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Seating Plan Improvements
Bonjour Marc,
L'image de fond s'adapte d'elle-même. Il vous suffit d'utiliser une image carrée (1: 1) de n'importe quelle taille
The following user(s) said Thank You: Handmax68
4 years 10 months ago #8563 by Handmax68
Replied by Handmax68 on topic Seating Plan Improvements
Merci c’est génial et votre réponse était super rapide ...surtout pour un dimanche.
J’avais pas pensé que le format devait être carré.
1 year 4 months ago #31144 by cd7
Replied by cd7 on topic Seating Plan Improvements
What is about the requested feature: Showing Seating Plan only with Student name without Surname? 

Seating Plan can not be used with Surname. Much to small and unpractical. I bought now a license to have a good software for the seating management, but arranging seats are a hassle. 
Showing it with Surname makes no sense. Hope, there are features to deactivate the surname.
1 year 4 months ago - 1 year 4 months ago #31145 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Seating Plan Improvements
Hello cd7,
Glad you're enjoying iDoceo so much.
First, this post is almost  seven years old. It has nothing to do with the currently available features.

Second, Seating plan CAN show any field you like 
Showing Name + surname may make no sense to you but rest assured it is a standard everywhere
and many find it useful.

You can show absolutely any kind of data in the seating plan, surname is just an option.

Last edit: 1 year 4 months ago by bert.