Importing ungraded assignments from Google Classroom

4 years 2 months ago - 4 years 2 months ago #9589 by CBashford

I have my classes linked to their Google Classroom, and am able to import their results from assignments.
However, this only works if the assignment has a mark/grade associated. When it is an ungraded assignment, iDoceo will show that it is fetching results from GC, but the column remains blank when it finishes refreshing.

For these assignments, I would like to record whether they have been completed or not, (simply a tick/cross icon, 1/0, Y/N or coloured green/red etc).
((Ideally, a third “submitted late” option would be perfect!)

Is there a way to automatically import whether an ungraded assignment has been submitted or not?

Also, is it possible to have a grade (this completed/not check) etc automatically appear as an icon without requiring an additional calculation column or doing so manually with text/icon?

Last edit: 4 years 2 months ago by CBashford. Reason: Deleted bottom of post
4 years 2 months ago #9590 by bert
Hello CBashford,
I'm afraid it is not possible at the moment. Those ungraded tasks do not provide much data from Google.
4 years 2 months ago #9591 by CBashford
Okay, thank you for your prompt reply.

Is there a way to have the icons appear automatically?
For example, a mark of 0 to appear as a cross icon, while the rest remain values/colour based on quick conversion?

I have been able to use a separate calculation column to change into icons, however would like to do so without the additional column.
