Review Multiple Classes with Timers

6 years 6 months ago #7488 by sodriscoll
Review Multiple Classes was created by sodriscoll
Hi I am new to IDOCEO.

I teach 16 PE classes. I have timed all my classes for sprints and would like to order from fastest to slowest for year born over a number of classes. Is this possible. I cannot work out how to do this.

Thanks in advance
6 years 6 months ago #7489 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Review Multiple Classes
Welcome sodriscoll,

1st part (one time only)
You should create a single class that merges the different classes. You could do without this but the final result is clearer this way.
- Main screen > Add > Class > In our example, we call it 'Group'
- Copy the students from your different classes into this new 'Group': Open a class > Tools > Students > All > Copy > Group

We now have a class named 'Group' with all your students in it.

2nd part, merging columns from different classes
- Open the 'Group' class > Add column > Calculation > Formula.
- Here you have to select the columns from the different classes into a simple addition.
- The result of this is in seconds by default so we wrap everything with a TIMERESULT function.

You can now sort this column or use the rank function.
I've just recorded this quick video with all the steps, hope it isn't too fast.

6 years 6 months ago #7490 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Review Multiple Classes
And here once you have the final result, how to use the Rank option instead.
This option has the added bonus of setting the same rank to equal times.