How to move the pop up input box when entering gra

10 years 3 months ago #5242 by nmcafee
I use your tool as my monitoring notebook for school. I record each grade, then at report card time I look at the list of grades and enter the report card grade. The pop up box for data entry comes up to the upper right of the box I am typing in....this hides the list of grades I need to look at to come up with the RC grade. How do I move the text input box to the upper or lower right of the box I am typing?

10 years 3 months ago #5244 by bert
Hello nmcafee,
The popup will appear wherever there is more available empty space.
You should scroll to the position where the pop up box does not fit and it will automatically appear on the other side.
You can also move your columns with a tap on Tools (top bar) > Columns