Ruler in class view

10 years 3 weeks ago - 10 years 3 weeks ago #5255 by Ethics Gradient
Ruler in class view was created by Ethics Gradient
I can see the ruler on the left of the screen when I'm using just about any view, but if I select a class i lose the ruler. Is there any way to keep the ruler on the screen?
Last edit: 10 years 3 weeks ago by Ethics Gradient.
10 years 3 weeks ago #5256 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Ruler in class view
I'm afraid not, some of the options are only available from the main screen. Which one are you missing?
10 years 3 weeks ago #5257 by Ethics Gradient
Replied by Ethics Gradient on topic Ruler in class view
Hi Bert,

I'm being really lazy , but I'd love to be able to switch from a class view or seating plan, directly back to Day view. If I could aways see the ruler, this would be simple. Instead I have to find the tiny left chevron in the top left corner of class view. A minor hassle, but I do this so many times a day I wondered if I was missing a trick.
10 years 3 weeks ago #5260 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Ruler in class view
Noted. We are working on improving the navigation between views and you are not the first to ask for that.
If you have more of those minor hassles, do let me know. It is important for us.