Class register/attendance??

11 years 5 months ago #3728 by Adamcork
Class register/attendance?? was created by Adamcork
Hi all,

New to Idoceo here in Ireland and am trying to figure out how I can create a register for each class where I can record attendance for every lesson. Any advice appreciated.


11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #3729 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Class register/attendance??
Welcome Adamcork,
I'm not sure if you've seen this article explaining how to record attendance .
In short, here the main points of attendance:

- The attendance record for a day, is always represented by a column in your gradebook.
- You should add attendance columns when you need to, not create its in advance.
- You can add attendance columns from either the grade book: Tap&hold on last column or from the seating plan.
- You can mix attendance columns with other regular assignments, but you may want to consider having them all in a specific tab.
- From the main screen Options/Settings/Attendance ,you'll be able to customize the available icons for attendance.
- You'll see an attendance summary from each student's data sheet. Double tap on a student in your grade book, and switch to the Attendance Tab.

Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by bert.
  • Ricky
11 years 5 months ago #3768 by Ricky
Replied by Ricky on topic Class register/attendance??
Hi, I've also just started using idoceo here in Ireland and was wondering if it was able to know the attendance of each class, not just for each student. For example, if I have a class today and use the column dated today and on extra quick attendance, then tick everyone in who is present, is there a way for idoceo to tell me how many were in the class?
11 years 5 months ago #3769 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Class register/attendance??
That option isn't there yet Rick. Noted though.
Count on it for our next major update
11 years 4 months ago #3885 by John2400
Replied by John2400 on topic Class register/attendance??
Just saw this post . Imwondering if you can make attendance a fixed set part of the software. I know you need to add columns but attendance is in every lesson. When I mark the roll it is every lesson.
It should be a set part and separate section of the software. So eg find the class , then hit attendance button. Then a column pops up and we mark the roll. The setting up should be an option. Lots of similar software aps have this as standard
11 years 4 months ago - 11 years 4 months ago #3886 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Class register/attendance??
If you tap&hold on the last column it will automatically add an attendance column for today.
Tap&hold on the header you'll be able to mark as 'Attend all'
The seating plan, works in a similar way , explained here
Last edit: 11 years 4 months ago by bert.
  • Maria j Skiffington
11 years 4 months ago #3889 by Maria j Skiffington
Replied by Maria j Skiffington on topic Class register/attendance??
Just started using idoceo, but have been in school for 17 days. Is there a way to manually enter attendance for those 17 days? I can only seem to get it to start from today in.
11 years 4 months ago #3890 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Class register/attendance??
You can do it but it requires to manually change the dates in the header.

Add your attendance columns, and then double tap on the header, to set its proper date.

You can then easily move columns from the Tools icon (top bar) / Columns option.
Select the group of columns you'd like to move, then Cut, select the proper location and Paste