
11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #3711 by Erica
Timetable/schedule was created by Erica
Have just upgraded and tried importing my schedule. However we have a 2 week cycle and it has linked up with the wrong week. Ho can i undo what I have done, and then fix it? Can you please explain slowly, step by step!

Also, the schedule says it has up to 10 periods. I have 6 a day, but also want to include recess, dear, lunch 1 and lunch 2. How can I set up the schedule so that the periods have the right number designated to them?
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by Erica.
11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #3715 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Timetable/schedule
Hi Erica,
In the current version 3.0, each time block , either a real class or a recess, must have a period assigned to it. We'll improve that in our next major update.
Meanwhile, the periods in iDoceo, won't exactly match those 6 periods a day because you'll include the recess,dear, lunch in between. You may use up to 12 periods/slots per day.

Here the step by step to rearrange the schedule. I'll attach an image of each step.
You should proceed to do this once your schedule is properly configured, even if on the wrong week.
You'll find all these options in the ruler's calendar button

- The first step, is to create a calendar that will contain your whole school term in it.

- Now we'll rearrange the weeks in your schedule. Switch to 'Cycle' mode, and carefully select the first 5 days of your week cycle, and then the next 5 in the order you'd like them to appear. You may want to switch to big calendar mode to easily select these days.

- Once selected, tap on Automatic Copy and select the first day this sequence should be copied from . And tap on Done. If something went wrong with this selection, tap on Undo copy

This will repeat your 10 days sequence to the rest of your school term. The original weeks won't be altered though, this has to be done in our final step.

Your calendar should now look more or less like this.

In order to now change the order of the first A and B weeks in september, tap on Week mode.
Select any A week in your calendar, then Manual Copy and tap on the first week of September that needs being changed to week A.
Now tap on End copy

Repeat this step for the first Week B, and you should now have your calendar ready.
You may want to add Holidays to this calendar later on.

If something is not clear enough, let me know.
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by bert.