Bullets in Planner....

1 year 5 months ago #31129 by armin
Bullets in Planner.... was created by armin
If I fille the lesson in Planner with content it would be handy that there is a way tu put bullets in.
I can't see how tot do that.
1 year 5 months ago #31130 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Bullets in Planner....
Hello Armin,
  That will be improved in our next major update, working on an improved editor for the planner.
  If you miss anything else do let me know
1 year 3 months ago #31179 by teacherlea
Replied by teacherlea on topic Bullets in Planner....
Hi Amin,

Could you please provide a way to increase the size of the text editor in the desktop app? I am unable to have a good editing experience because I am not able to see my notes entirely.

Additionally, the text editing features that are available on the iPad don't seem to be available on the desktop app (e.g bullets, alignment). Could you please let me know how I can enable them?

1 year 3 months ago #31180 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Bullets in Planner....
Hello Lea,
  As I mentioned Armin we are working on a brand new editor that will make all those options easier.
  We will soon begin the Beta tests.
  If you'd like to join and provide some feedback, do let me know
11 months 1 week ago #31415 by Melanie.Is
Replied by Melanie.Is on topic Bullets in Planner....
iDoceo9 promises better editing options in the planner, but I still don't see a way to create bullets.
In fact, with iDoceo9 (at least on the MacOS) we seem to have lost the functionality of colors?

It looks a little bit more modern, but from a functionality perspective, I'm missing something.
Specifically, I too am missing bullets.
And colors.
11 months 1 week ago #31418 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Bullets in Planner....
As mentioned, there are bulleted lists, colors, chatGPT content creation, images, different font sizes and much more.

11 months 1 week ago #31420 by Melanie.Is
Replied by Melanie.Is on topic Bullets in Planner....
Hi Bert,
That looks great, and I definitely don't have that on my MacOS OR my iPad, and that MacOS is both my home and work machines. Everything has been set to advanced 9 pro mode, and my planning and diary sections do not have that. Please see my screen shot. 
11 months 1 week ago #31422 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Bullets in Planner....
All these options are shown here
11 months 1 week ago #31423 by Melanie.Is
Replied by Melanie.Is on topic Bullets in Planner....
Facepalm emoji.
Thank you. I feel kind of stupid, but as someone who uses keyboard shortcuts for BIU, I never would have clicked on that to find bullets or colors.
Thanks. Will play with it.