Block colors on Planner

7 years 3 months ago #7143 by Alevitan
Block colors on Planner was created by Alevitan

When using the planner, is it possible to change the background color of the different periods? There are times when I don’t have a class for one reason or another (field trip, assembly, etc). I know I could just delete them from the planner for that week but I prefer to just grey or black ithem out so it’s not just an empty white section.

7 years 3 months ago - 7 years 3 months ago #7144 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Block colors on Planner
Hello Alevitan,
If you remove the class field and use the location instead you will be able to type a text and choose a color like this image below. The background of the cell will remain grey but it won't be an empty cell.

Edit: Long tap on a time slot > Edit > Tap on class and remove it. Type a location and choose color

Last edit: 7 years 3 months ago by bert.