sharing classes

10 years 3 months ago #5000 by David Barrow
sharing classes was created by David Barrow
i want to share classes/class information with other teachers in order for us all to update information on the same class an for everyone else to see the changes made.

If I share a class with other teachers and they update/change/edit information, will I then be able to see the changes that they made when I open up the class on my account?

Is there a way of sharing classes so that they are on a cloud so whenever some else makes a change to the class, we can all see the updates?

Is there a way of doing this?
10 years 3 months ago #5005 by bert
Replied by bert on topic sharing classes
Hello David,
Due to security&privacy reasons, all information in iDoceo is locally kept in each device and there is no cloud syncing, external servers, or accounts to log in to. It is an offline system.

However, you can share your data with other iDoceo users by creating a template, but it will not sync automatically.
This template may include students,grades,columns, seating plans, resources and configurations.
From the gradebook view , tap on Export > Share and select here the information you would like to include.