What is an Annotation in iDoceo
Annotations are texts attached to cells or headers (columns and categories).
You can add yours while in the gradebook, with a long tap on a cell or header > annotations. It allows for an unlimited amount of text and resources.
Options when creating a new annotation
Besides the addition of text, you can do the following:
Add resources: You can do it by taping the clip icon.
Send the annotation by email: Tap on the envelope icon, you can send it to students, parents or both. It will include the resources on it.
Add the current time: Tap on the clock icon.
Add the current date: Tap on the calendar icon.
Erase the annotation: Tap on the trash icon.

You must select OK to save any changes, do not close the app without doing so.
How does it look

As a small triangle on the right top corner of a cell or header. The triangle will look bigger if it has resources as well.
Tapping on the cell or header will bring the annotation at the bottom of the screen.
Hitting the resource button at the right of an annotation will shown the list of resources in it.
Hitting the resource button at the right of an annotation will shown the list of resources in it.

Focusing on a single student
Double tap on a student, to open his personal data sheet, then Annotations.

The options in the section will allow you to see the cell annotations in all tabs or in the current tab.
You can also see the options to do a Student report or enter the Notepad, a completely different feature from annotations.
Focusing on a single column
It is possible to view all the cell annotations in one column.
To do so select the column > Tap on Column button (lower-right corner) > Cell annotations.
You will also see the resources included in those annotations.
To do so select the column > Tap on Column button (lower-right corner) > Cell annotations.
You will also see the resources included in those annotations.

You will see all the annotations in that column, with the name of the student they are asigned to and the data of the cell where they are located.
Print annotations
Annotations can be easily included in the Class or Student report.
In the student report > Options enable include cell annotations. For header annotations select include column annotations.
Similarly, in the class report > Options enable include annotations.
Exporting annotations in XLS or CSV
Under options, enable Include annotations or Include cell annotations respectively.