Beta tests for iDoceo 4

9 years 4 months ago #5424 by bert
Beta tests for iDoceo 4 was created by bert
We will soon begin the Beta 2 tests for iDoceo 4!
If you'd like to join and help us providing feedback drop us a line at

Thank you
9 years 4 months ago #5425 by houbaruda
Replied by houbaruda on topic Beta tests for iDoceo 4
Peux-t-on travailler sur idoceo 3 et idoceo 4 en même temps ou est ce que la version 4 bêta ecrase la 3.5 ? Je me sers énormément de idoceo et ne voudrait pas perdre la possibilité de l'utiliser pendant la bêta test.
9 years 4 months ago #5426 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Beta tests for iDoceo 4
Bonjour houbaruda,
La version bêta remplacera votre iDoceo 3, mais vous garderez toutes vos données intactes
9 years 4 months ago #5427 by Jrudowicz
Replied by Jrudowicz on topic Beta tests for iDoceo 4
Bonjour Bert

Connais tu la date de dispo de la,bêta 2 de Idoceo 4?

merci par avance

Ps as tu recu mon email expliquant la fonctionnalité stage?


9 years 4 months ago #5428 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Beta tests for iDoceo 4
Environ une semaine, mais ne peut pas dire exactement.
Oui, j'ai vu votre e-mail ! Merci
9 years 4 months ago #5445 by houbaruda
Replied by houbaruda on topic Beta tests for iDoceo 4
J'ai bien reçu l'invitation à la bêta test mais testflight me dit que l'invitation n'est pas valide.
9 years 4 months ago #5452 by armin
Replied by armin on topic Beta tests for iDoceo 4
Dear Bert,
Unfortunately my invitation for the testflight is not valid. So I can not be of assistence to you.

9 years 4 months ago #5453 by bert
Replied by bert on topic Beta tests for iDoceo 4
Hello Armin, I've just sent you another invitation.
You will need iOS8 to install this Beta
9 years 4 months ago #5454 by armin
Replied by armin on topic Beta tests for iDoceo 4
Hi Bert,
Thanks. I run iOS 8.2.
9 years 3 months ago #5459 by Emilie
Replied by Emilie on topic Beta tests for iDoceo 4
Hi Bert,
I don't think I have received the invitation for the beta testing :(